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Best Gout Solutions

Writer: Gout SolutionsGout Solutions

The most common question once you have gout is “How do I prevent this from ever happening again?” Because gout is one of the most painful things a person can experience. There’s no question, anyone that has had a gout attack will have to deal with it for the rest of their lives.

I’m part of that club no one wants to join. I had my first gout attack at 27, and have spent the better part of the next 25 years of my life dealing with it in a variety of ways from medication or home remedies.

Below is a list of the best solution for gout that I’ve found.

Drink plenty of water

Uric acid build up in the blood stream causes crystals to form, which inflame the joints of our body. By drinking more water we assist our bodies in flushing out the uric acid faster.

Water is the best liquid to help fight gout however herbal teas and broths are also beneficial.

Ice the joint

Some will say that ice is a bad choice for gout. While that may be true, the Arthritis Foundation says icing a joint for 20-30 minutes can help relieve the pain and swelling associated with a gout flare up.

Reduce Stress

A lot of sufferers don’t know that stress is a major factor in gout flare ups. Stress can even make a flare up worse! Some suggestions for managing stress include:

· Exercising, if pain doesn’t limit movement

o Too much exercise can induce a flare up! Moderate your exercise.

· Asking for time off work

o Not always possible, but if you can take time off – do it!

· Journaling or reading a favorite book

o Expressing our emotions in a healthy way definitely helps manage stress

· Meditating

o Even 20 minutes a day can be a huge benefit

Elevate the affected joint

Gout flare ups cause pain and swelling, especially in the feet, knees, ankles, hands, and elbows. One way to reduce swelling is by elevating the affected joints. This encourages blood and fluid to move away from the joint, and back into the torso, towards the heart.

Taking OTC pain relief

Typically, the most effective OTC pain medication for gout is a Non-steroid anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug suck as ibuprofen. It is absolutely not a long term solution for gout, as it is only treating the symptoms (pain and swelling) and not the underlying problem (Uric acid levels). But for short term relief, this is the route I used for many attacks.

If an OTC solution doesn’t work for you, of course you should speak with your doctor.

Drinking Coffee

Seriously. A 2019 report analysis showed that coffee consumption lowered gout rick, regardless of serum uric acid levels. Now this doesn’t mean coffee caused it, because that wasn’t the direct part of the study.

Eating a balanced diet

A balanced diet containing a variety of nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods can help lower Trusted Source uric acid levels and reduce a person’s risk of gout flares.

Plant-based diets can be of particular benefit. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation.

Learn more about the best diet for gout here.

Drinking lemon water

A 2015 study found that adding the juice of two freshly squeezed lemons to 2 liters of water each day reduced uric acid in people with gout.

The researchers concluded that lemon water helps neutralize uric acid in the body, thus helping to reduce levels.

Limiting alcohol intake

According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking more than two liquor-based drinks or two beers per day increases a person’s risk of gout.

Beer is high in purines, so avoiding it can benefit a person with gout.

Avoiding high-purine meats

Some meats contain high amounts of purines. Avoiding these might help to reduce a person’s gout symptoms.



Best Gout Solutions (c) 2022

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