Question: what is a “trigger food”? Answer: Trigger foods prompt excess uric acid to build up and crystalize at the joints. People prone to gout should avoid or minimize specific foods to reduce flare-ups.
The body breaks down purines into uric acid. The higher the purine count, the more likely to raise your uric acid levels!
Here are the worst offenders for gout sufferers.

Red Meat
Red meat (beef) is high in purines. White meat chicken is the best of the common meats, and lamb is the highest in purines, and the most problematic to eat. You don’t have to avoid these meats entirely! You just limit how much per serving (8oz at most) and how many times per week (no more than 3 times per week).

Fish is high in purines, and should be avoided by those who suffer from gout. Some are among the highest in purines of common foods eaten. The biggest problem seafoods are: herring, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. Salmon is one of the lowest purine seafood options. Avoid eating fish more than twice a week, and limit serving sizes to 8 ounces.

Wild Game
Wild Game meat is another source of high purines, and should be very limited in a gout friendly diet. The worst game meats are: rabbit, venison, quail, pheasant, and goose. Game meat, if eaten sparingly, should not trigger a gout flare, but be cautious. Any meal with game meat should be accompanied by lots of greens and vegetables. As an alternative, doctors suggest white meat chicken instead of game meat.

Scallops, like all shellfish, should be avoided by those with gout. Like the list under fish, the following should be avoided for those with gout: shellfish, sardines, herring, anchovies, codfish, trout, and haddock. Avoid eating shellfish, or other fish, more than twice a week, and in sparing servings less than 8oz.

Organ Meats
There has been discussion in recent years about the benefits of organ meats for general health, but these parts of the animal are not recommended for people with gout. It is best to remove items like tongue, liver, brains, kidneys, and sweetbreads to minimize gout attacks. Sardines and anchovies are a double dose of purines, as they are eaten whole, including brains and organs!

People with gout should avoid drinking beer. That’s really it. The breakdown of beer in the body causes a spike in uric acid levels. Beer also dehydrates the body and slows the elimination of uric acid. That’s twice the risk for a flare! The occasional glass of wine is ok, but in general, alcohol should be avoided.

Sugary Drinks
Sweet beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi usually have lots of high-fructose corn syrup, which can stimulate uric acid production and increase the risk of gout attacks. Fresh-squeezed juices and herbal teas are healthier alternatives to packaged fruit drinks and sodas. It is a good idea to avoid all foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup when trying to prevent gout attacks.

High-Fat Dairy Products
There is some conflicting evidence regarding how dairy products affect people prone to gout attacks. Most studies show that eating more cheese, yogurt, and ice cream could decrease the risk of gout. However, an excess of high-fat dairy products can cause various issues and may contribute to flare-ups. High-fat products are items such as: Heavy Cream, Whole Milk and its products like yogurt and cottage cheese, and butter with 80% or more butterfat. Stick with low fat or skim milk and byproducts.